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America, sometimes the Americas, is a continent in the Western Hemisphere. It extends from the ocean in the north, to Cape Horn in the Drake Passage in the south, at the confluence of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans which border it to the east and west, respectively. With more than 42 million km2, America is the second largest continent on the planet, covering 8.3% of the total surface area and 28.2% of the land surface. In addition, America concentrates approximately 13.3% of the world's population, with more than a billion people. Its inhabitants are referred to as Americans: this term is however also used to designate citizens of the United States of America. Therefore, the inhabitants of different parts of the continent are frequently distinguished by using specific groups such as North Americans, South Americans or Latin Americans.
Due to its geographical characteristics, America is traditionally viewed from the perspective of a set of subcontinents referred to as the Americas, namely North America, Central America, the West Indies and the South America. Also taking into account its cultural portrait, it is divided into Anglo-Saxon America and Latin America.
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