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Asia is one of the continents or part of the Eurasia or Afro-Eurasia supercontinents on Earth. With 43,810,582 km2 of land and 4.3 billion inhabitants, Asia is the largest continent (8.6% of the total land surface or 29.4% of the land surface) and the most populated (around 60 % of world population). Asia is more of a cultural concept than a homogeneous physical entity. Asia has several world geographic records including the world's highest peak, Everest, which rises to 8,849 meters, and the world's tallest tower, Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, with a height of 828 meters.
Asia has 4.6 billion inhabitants in 2019, more than half of the world's population. Around two billion of them are under the age of twenty. The population is, however, very unevenly distributed: the human deserts of West and North Asia are opposed by the large centers of population in South and East Asia. The most widely spoken languages in Asia are Mandarin (around 1 billion speakers) and Hindi.
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